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Most people dont realize how important maintenice is, if you think that it is a good idea to skip maintenance beacuse you want to save money. It is a bad idea maintanence is key to help you Machine run loger and if you skip maintenace you will probably end up spending more in the long run.

      Oil Change  


Oil changes are very important in having a smooth running engine. If you go to longe with out changing oil your oil will turn into slug and will not lubricate your engine propely witch will lead to engine failure and that = big bucks.

      Engine Maintenance

There are plenty of things you should check for on a motor, on 2 stroke motors once you have put plenty of ours on depending on what engine you should put new pistons and ring in to prevent engine failure. you should also put new spark plug in every year on all 2 strokes and 4 strokes.


Check wire for any cuts or frays so nothing will ground out and cause damage to the electrical system. 

      Clean Fuel Sysetem 
A big cause of engine failure or just paln running bad is from the fuel system sitting to long or junk from the tank got in the carb. when this happens the engine is starved from fuel and with little fuel engine could either lock up from little lubrication or just run very bad.
I preffer every year you take somthing out of storge that hasn't ran for more than 3-4 months you should clean the carb and before putting it away you should drain the carb. This will help with any fuel guming up the carb.
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